TICA Breedstandard

Breedstandard for Thaicats in TICA The International Cat Association.

That you can imagine what a Thai should look like, Dr. Chrity Bird shows a TICA Thai on the TICA Show in Santa Clara, Calafornia.

“Thai (Old Style Siamese) breed seminar (excerpt) presented by TICA Thai breed chair Dr. Cristy Bird, September 5, 2010 at the TICA Annual in Santa Clara, California. The blue point Thai cat in the video is 16 month old Quadruple Grand Champion Alter DiaBrillante Uncle Sam. Sorry it is not easier to hear due to the announcer on the PA calling cats to the judging rings.”


TICA Thai cat Sebastian at TICA show in Cherry Hill NJ 1/28/2012:


Alicats Thai (old-style Siamese) Kittens playing at a TICA cat show:


Breedstandard for Thaicats in WCF

Breedstandard World Cat Federation.

Breedstandard for Thaicats in LOOF

Breedstandard Livre Officiel des Origines Fèlines.